Ask the Expert: The role of diet and nutritional supplements during COVID-19
Social distancing and regular handwashing are the most effective and proven methods to reduce risk and spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
However, along with general questions on how to safely shop for and prepare food (addressed here), many are wondering about the more specific role of diet and nutrition during this pandemic. To understand more about the link between nutrition and immunity, and existing evidence on nutrient status, supplementation, and infection, we spoke with Dr. Wafaie Fawzi, Dr. Walter Willett, and PhD student, Dr. Ibraheem Abioye.
As more information becomes available on this topic, we will check back with our experts to provide additional updates.
Can you briefly summarize the relationship between nutrition and immunity?
- Zinc is a component of many enzymes and transcription factors in cells all over the body, and inadequate zinc levels limit the individual’s ability to mount an adequate immune response to infections. [2] Multiple meta-analyses and pooled analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have shown that oral zinc supplementation reduces the incidence rate of acute respiratory infections by 35%, shortens the duration of flu-like symptoms by approximately 2 days, and improves the rate of recovery. [3,4] The studies were conducted in the US as well as in multiple low- and middle-income countries such as India, South Africa, and Peru. The dose of zinc in these studies ranged from 20 mg/week to 92 mg/day. Dose does not appear to be the main driver of the effectiveness of zinc supplementation.
- Vitamin C is a cofactor for many enzymes. It enhances the function of many enzymes all over the body by keeping their metal ions in the reduced form. It also acts as an antioxidant, limiting inflammation and tissue damage associated with immune responses. [5] RCTs evaluating the effectiveness of vitamin C have been conducted among soldiers, young boys, and older people in the US, the Soviet Union, the UK, and Japan. In these studies, vitamin C supplementation was shown to significantly reduce the incidence of respiratory tract infections. [6] The effectiveness of vitamin C has also been studied among hospitalized patients in the US, Egypt, and Iran, admitted for a wide variety of conditions including severe sepsis, postoperative complications, burns, lung contusions, and cardiac conditions. [7] Vitamin C was shown to reduce the duration of stay in the intensive care unit and need for mechanical ventilation among these patients. [8] The dose of vitamin C varied from 1-3 g/day, and dose does not appear to be the main driver of effectiveness. Doses of vitamin C above 2 g/day should be avoided outside of medical care.
- Evidence from several clinical trials and pooled studies show that vitamin D supplementation lowers the odds of developing acute respiratory tract infections (most of which are assumed to be due to viruses) by 12% to 75%. [9-12] These studies included both the seasonal and pandemic flu caused by H1N1 virus in 2009. The beneficial effect of supplementation was seen in patients across all ages, and individuals with pre-existing chronic illnesses. [13] Among those who were infected, flu symptoms were fewer and recovery was earlier if they had received doses of vitamin D greater than 1000 IU. [14] The benefits were relatively greater in individuals with vitamin D deficiency than in those who had adequate levels of vitamin D.
- Older adults are most often deficient in these helpful micronutrients, and thus can derive the greatest benefit from Food Supplement.
- Taking a standard (RDA) multivitamin/multimineral supplement as a nutritional safety net is reasonable. These supplements are a relatively inexpensive (should cost less than $40 USD for a six month supply) and convenient way to replenish and maintain micronutrient stores.
- Maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D is particularly important. Vitamin D is normally produced in our skin when exposed to sunlight, and in the late winter and spring blood levels of vitamin D tend to be low because of reduced sun exposure. Staying indoors will further reduce blood levels. Although we do not have evidence at this time whether vitamin D supplements will reduce the severity of COVID-19, they might, especially among people with low levels. Because the cost of blood testing is usually more than the cost of supplements (and not appropriate while our health care system is seriously stressed), and because there are other benefits from maintaining adequate vitamin D, taking supplemental vitamin D would be reasonable for most people to consider.
Vitamin D in commonly available multivitamin/multimineral supplements
- If vitamin D supplements are not available, a backup option is to take advantage of some sunlight, which is now starting to become intense enough to produce vitamin D. Expose as much skin as possible in the middle of the day and begin for short periods, being very careful to avoid burns. 15 minutes can produce a large amount of vitamin D in light skin; 3 or 4 times longer will likely be needed for dark skin. Note that this is short-term guidance related to limited vitamin D supplement availability during the current pandemic; and not advisable long-term. Because sun exposure can contribute to skin cancers, in general it is important to avoid excessive sun exposure or use of tanning beds.
- Avoid any supplements promoting wild health claims. At this time, the US Food and Drug Administration has been monitoring and warning companies offering fraudulent products claiming to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure COVID-19.
- Nutritional supplements should be not be considered to be substitutes for a good diet, because no supplements contain all the benefits provided by healthy foods.
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